3 Crucial Post-Processing Tips for Real Estate Photography

Learn three crucial post-processing tips that will help you improve the quality of your real estate photographs. With practice and patience, you'll be able to master these techniques and take your real estate photography skills to the next level.

3 Crucial Post-Processing Tips for Real Estate Photography

Processing images can be a little daunting if you don't have much experience in photography. However, the value of learning some basic post-processing tips is undeniable. In this tutorial, you'll discover three essential post-processing techniques that will help you enhance the quality of your real estate photographs. The color of a photo can be an eyesore, particularly in the real estate photography industry, where images should look more captivating. Professional architectural photographers often look down on real estate photographers, believing that they are amateurs or incompetent.

In the real estate industry, high-quality images that attract potential buyers are a must. I think the difference between good real estate photos and great real estate photos is to be light with post-production. Taking really good real estate photos on site allows me to start my editing process with a single, perfectly lit, well-composed image. Some of the other real estate retouching I do depends on whether the image is an interior photo or an exterior photograph. I try to avoid using Photoshop for real estate photography as much as possible and prefer to keep all my post-production in Light Room.

Crop: When taking real estate photos, it's essential to keep the camera perfectly level so that the walls and lines are straight. Straight vertical and horizontal lines that don't converge are a known issue in real estate photography. This can help give depth to the image, but it can be dangerous to use it in real estate retouching if you're photographing a room that has stains on the carpet or marks on the walls. White balance: This is probably the most common action I perform, especially with my photographs of building interiors. This is mainly due to the fact that when I take photos of real estate, I do my best to get the perfect shots.

I'm not one to use a lot of Photoshop actions or filters because I prefer to do things right when photographing real estate. Once again, a common mistake that I see many real estate photographers make is to reduce the lights completely and increase the shadows. Photographing in RAW format is the foundation of real estate photography and allows me to adjust the white balance regardless of the colors of the walls and ceilings. These three post-processing tips will help you create stunning images for your real estate portfolio. With practice and patience, you'll be able to master these techniques and take your real estate photography skills to the next level.

Beulah Figlioli
Beulah Figlioli

Evil zombie maven. Proud beer specialist. Avid web nerd. Zombie practitioner. Hardcore internet fan. Incurable coffeeaholic.

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